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LoL Patch Notes 14.14: Champion Buffs, Nerfs & Aurora Release

July 11, 2024

Complete League of Legends Patch Notes 14.14

Season 14 of League of Legends has been a rollercoaster, especially with the recent item and rune balancing efforts by developers. Even more huge changes are on the horizon with upcoming League patch 14.14.

Aurora, the Vestayan mage that was promised, will finally be sprinkling her unique magic over Summoner's Rift, going live alongside in the new update.

League of Legends patch 14.14 brings six champion buffs and ten champion nerfs. There will also be massive adjustments to four champions: Aurelion Sol, Hecarim, Irelia, and Milio. If that's not enough, the early-game rune Absorb Life will also receive nerfed levels stats.

This is one of the biggest patches of 2024, so grab some snacks and get your reading glasses on—here are the complete 14.14 patch notes for League of Legends.

Eight new anima squad skins are coming in League patch 14.14.


According to Riot Games' official patch timetableLeague of Legends patch 14.14 will go live on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

League patch 14.14 will be introduced gradually to accommodate different time zones and global servers. The rollout will commence in the Southern Hemisphere, with the Oceanic server at approximately 10 AM AEST.

There will be a brief downtime when patching begins, and matchmaking queues will likely be taken offline as Riot Games implements the latest update. Since this patch is large in scope, the server downtime may be longer than usual.

Here's (roughly) when you can expect League of Legends patch 14.14 to roll out:

  • 5 AM GMT (EU West)
  • 3 AM CET (EU North East)
  • 3 AM PT (NA)
  • 8 AM KST (Korea)


league of legends patch notes 14.14 sees six champion buffs and ten champion nerfs

New champion Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds, will finally debut after countless teasers and the interactive minigame starring herself and Ornn. As a mage between the lands of the living and spirits, she will dash around the battlefield.

After recent rounds of balance changes, Bot Lane is finally in a good spot coming into League patch 14.14, with many ADCs now performing well in the meta. However, Aphelios and Smolder were still in an awkward position, so the dev team gave them some much-needed love to make them competitive picks again.

Several champions, ten to be exact, are going under the nerf hammer in League of Legends patch 14.14. The targets are mainly AP junglers who rely heavily on the Fated Ashes item, like Lillia and Nidalee. A few AD solo laners, namely Zed and Jayce, are being empowered in patch 14.14 to make them more viable.

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Eight Anima Squad skins will drop in the League of Legends store alongside Riot Games' premiere PvE game mode. These skins are colorful, techy, and fun, guaranteed to add some extra bunny-fied action to your next League of Legends games.

Here are the price points for all eight new Anima Squad skins:

  • Battle Bat Xayah (Epic): 1,350 RP
  • Battle Bunny Aurora (Epic): 1,350 RP
  • Battle Dove Seraphine (Legendary): 1,820 RP
  • Cyber Cat Yuumi (Epic): 1,350 RP
  • Primordian Bel'Veth (Epic): 1,350 RP
  • Primordian Rek'Sai (Epic): 1,350 RP
  • Prestige Cyber Cat Yuumi: 2,000 AnimaTech Tokens
  • Admiral Battle Bunny Miss Fortune (Special Distribution skin)

Please remember that these early patch notes and balance changes are all taken from the Public Beta Environment (PBE). As a result, they are only tentative and subject to change until Riot Games implements them onto servers on July 17, 2024.

With all these new changes, the dev team warns players to expect a brief short-term instability, so there may even be a mid-week B-side patch to straighten things out.


Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds, is going live in League patch 14.14

Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds, will be released in League of Legends patch 14.14, the second new champion to be added to the growing roster in 2024. She will be destined for the Mid Lane, with an ult similar to Mordekaiser in how it transports the enemy target to another plane of existence.

Here are all of her abilities. We will have a more in-depth Aurora guide coming soon, so stay tuned!

  • (Passive) Spirit Adjuration
  • (Q) Twofold Hex
  • (W) Across the Veil
  • (E) The Weirding
  • (R) Between Worlds


League of Legends patch notes 14.14


(Q) Binding Eclipse (Gravitum)

  • Damage increased from 50 - 100 (+ 26 - 35% AD) to 50 - 140 (+32 - 50% AD)

(Q) Sentry (Crescendum)

  • Damage increased from 31 - 100 (+40 - 60% AD) to 35 - 125 (+ 42 - 60% AD)

(Q) Onslaught (Severum)

  • Damage increased from 10 - 40 (+20 - 35% AD) to 10 - 40 (+ 22 - 40% AD)


(Q) Rupture

  • Damage increases from 8 0 -320 to 80 - 340

(E) Vorpal Spikes

  • Damage increased from 22 - 82 to 20 - 100


(Q) Shock Blast

  • Damage increased from 55 - 330 (+120% bonus AD) to 60 - 335 (+125% bonus AD)
League patch 14.14


(W) Soul Furnace

  • Damage increased from 40 - 140 (+10 - 14% of target's HP) to 40 - 140(+14% of target's HP)


(Q) Super Scorcher Breath

  • Base damage increased from 15 - 55 to 20 - 60


(Q) Razor Shuriken

  • Damage increased from 70 - 210 to 80 - 220

(E) Shadow Slash

  • Cooldown refund increased from two seconds to three seconds


patch notes lol

In League of Legends patch 14.14, four champions are being adjusted, which means their kit is getting a mix of buffs and nerfs. For example, the damage on Aurelion Sol's Ultimate is being toned down. Meanwhile, his mana cost for E is being reduced so he can use it more frequently.

Meanwhile, Lead Gameplay Designer “Riot Phroxzon” wants Milio to be more aggressive in the early game by buffing his sole damage ability, Ultra Mega Fire Kick. As a result, they're moving more power budget away from his E and into his Q.

Aurelion Sol

  • Base attack damage increased from 55 to 58

(Q) Breath of Light

  • Now consumes mana immediately instead of after one second

(W) Astral Flight

  • Cast range increased from 1,200 flat to 1,500 - 1,900

(E) Singularity

  • Mana cost reduced from 80 - 100 to 80 flat

(R) Falling Star/The Skies Descend

  • Base damage increased from 150 - 350 to 200 - 450
  • R AP ratio increased from 65% to 75%
  • R2 shockwave damage reduced from 100% of R1 to 85%


  • Health growth increased from 99 per level to 106 per level

(W) Spirit of Dread

  • Healing increased from 20% to 25%
  • Duration reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds
  • Cooldown reduced from 16 - 14 seconds to 14 seconds flat

(E) Devastating Charge

  • Cooldown changed from 18 seconds to 20 - 16 seconds
lol patch note 14.14


  • AD growth reduced from 4 to 3.5

(Passive) Ionian Fervor

  • Attack speed per stack increased from 7.5 - 20% to 7.5 - 25%


(Passive) Fired Up!

  • AD ratio reduced from 15% flat to 7 - 15%
  • Base damage reduced from 15 - 50 to 10 - 50

(Q) Ultra Mega Fire Kick

  • Range increased from 1,000 to 1,200
  • Cooldown reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds

(W) Cozy Campfire

  • Recast range increased from 700 to 3,000

(E) Warm Hugs

  • Base shield reduced from 60 - 180 to 45 - 165
  • AP ratio increased from 30% to 45%
  • Recharge timer increased from 17 - 13 seconds to 17 seconds flat


League patch notes 14.14


  • Attack range reduced from 175 to 150

(R) Endless Banquet

  • Bonus attack range increased from 50 - 75


(E) Conflagration

  • Damage reduced from 60 - 160 to 55 - 155
  • Cooldown increased from 12 - 8 seconds to 13 - 9 seconds


  • Base health reduced from 640 to 610


(E) Counter Strike

  • Cooldown increased from 15 - 9 seconds to 17 - 9 seconds


(Q) Dance of Arrows

  • Attack speed decreased from 35% to 30%
  • AD growth decreased from 0.75 to 0.65


(Passive) Dream-laden Bough

  • Healing on subsequent targets reduced from 33% to 15%

(E) Swirlseed

  • Base damage reduced from 70 - 170 to 60 - 160
  • AP ratio reduced from 60% to 50%
AP champions like Nidalee are getting nerfed in the 14.14 League patch notes.


(W) Pounce

  • Damage reduced from 60 - 210 to 55 - 190
  • Now had a 50% bonus AD ratio

(E) Swipe

  • Base damage reduced from 80 - 260 to 60 - 225
  • Bonus AD ratio increased from 40% to 70%
  • AP ratio reduced from 45% to 40%


(Q) Flamespitter

  • Base damage reduced from 125 - 185 to 80 - 180
  • Minion damage increased from 55 - 75% to 71 - 75%


  • Base mana increased from 250 to 350

(Q) Rapid Fire

  • Mana cost increased to 50

(W) Rocket Jump

  • Mana cost decreased from 60 to 50


(Passive) Garden of Thorns

  • Plant damage increased from 16 - 84 (+ 18% AP) to 15 - 75 (+ 20% AP)
  • Monster bonus damage decreased from 60 - 100 to 50 - 100


Absorb Life (Rune)

  • Life heal changes from 2 - 20 linear to 1 - 23 scaling

Warmog's Armor

  • Passive health threshold increased from 1,300 to 1,500
patch 14.14


That covers all the changes going live in League of Legends patch 14.14, available on live servers from Wednesday, July 17, 2024. We're excited to see how new champion Aurora performs in the meta, although it'll likely be a week or so before we can see her in ranked games. Hopefully, all this new content won't break the game too much!

Hungry for more League of Legends content? Our blog page has the hottest articles on all champions' release dates, the Blue Essence Emporium, the rarest skinsARAMSummoner Spellsdragon buffs, and LoL Arena ranks.

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