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LoL Patch Notes 14.17 | LoL Worlds Balance Changes

August 21, 2024

Early LoL Patch Notes 14.17: Champion Buffs & Nerfs

With LoL Worlds 2024 just around the corner, the Riot Games balance team is working overtime to ensure everything on League of Legends is in order before the largest esports event on the calendar begins in September.

With over 160 champions and items in the game, they are lasering in on popular pro-picks, items, and runes in the upcoming update, patch 14.17. Worlds will be played on patch 14.18, so they only have two chances to make the meta as balanced and fair as possible. As such, there are a whopping 13 champion nerfs and 7 buffs in League patch 14.17.

Grab your reading glasses and snacks; here's everything you need to know about LoL patch 14.17, including all champion buffs and nerfs.

LoL patch notes

LoL Patch 14.17: Release Date & Times

According to Riot Games' official schedule, League of Legends patch 14.17 goes live on Wednesday, August 28, 2024. The new update, including all champion buffs and nerfs, will be rolled out gradually to account for different global servers.

The new patch deployment will start in the Southern Hemisphere and the Oceanic server around 10 AM AEST, with other servers slowly receiving League patch 14.17 throughout the day.

Once patching begins, there will be several hours of downtime. Matchmaking queues will be taken offline approximately three hours beforehand as the Riot Games balance team applies the new update and works out any last-minute kinks.

Here are the key timings to note for when League of Legends patch 14.17 goes live:

  • 5 AM GMT (EU West)
  • 3 AM CET (EU North East)
  • 3 AM PT (NA)
  • 8 AM KST (Korea)

LoL Patch 14.17: What's New?

League patch 14.17

League of Legends patch 14.17 will have 13 individual champion nerfs, the most we've seen in any patch on Summoner's Rift in 2024. Champions like Aurora and Senna are being nerfed in patch 14.17. Senna, in particular, has come under fire for being "too strong" since her AP buffs in patch 14.16. Now boasting a 52.25% win rate, Riot Phroxzon and the rest of the balance team will be nerfing her impact in the Bot Lane.

Many of the last few patches this past year have been centered around ADCs and their impacts in solo lanes like Top and Mid Lane. Riot Phroxzon hopes the third time is the charm, as they turn their focus to runes, Ezreal, and Ashe. Runes like Fleet Footwork and Cut Down are working too well with the newest ADC and Bot lane changes, so Riot Games is looking to subdue them in the current meta.


Finally, other champions like Brand and Lillia massively benefited from the new item Fated Ashes and Blackfire Torch, helping their wave clear and damage-over-time. As such, the Riot Games balance team is re-attempting to bring these champions into line by nerfing them.

LoL Patch 14.17: New Skins & Chromas

Bow down - there are new royals in town! Riot Games is releasing four new skins to the 'Battle Queens' cosmetic lines, which will go live in the Shop during the patch 14.17 cycle.

Luckily, these skins don't have a royal price tag, costing the standard 1,350 RP each. Two special event chromas will also be released in patch 14.17 for Darius and Garen.

  • Battle Queen Miss Fortune (Epic): 1,350 RP
  • Battle Queen Gwen (Epic): 1,350 RP
  • Battle Queen Fiora (Epic): 1,350 RP
  • Battle Princess Annie (Epic): 1,350 RP
  • Divine God King Darius: Event capsule chroma
  • Fallen God King Garen: Event capsule chroma

LoL Patch 14.17: Champion Buffs

League of Legends patch notes 14.17

Please remember that these are just the early patch notes for League patch 14.17 and are only tentative. These stats and nerfs below are not yet set in stone until they are implemented on live servers on August 28, 2024.


  • Attack speed ratio increased from 0.594 to 0.610

(W) Yordle Snap Trap

  • Cooldown reduced from 30/24/19/15/12 seconds to 26/22/18/14/10 seconds


(Q) End of the Line

  • Cooldown reduced from 13/11/5/10/8.5/7 seconds to 13/11/9.5/8/6 seconds
  • Initial wave damage increased from 45/60/75/90/105 to 45/65/85/105/125


(Q) Dance of Arrows

  • Base bonus attack speed increased from 30% to 35%

(E) Mounting Dread

  • Cooldown decreased from 14/13/12/11/10 seconds to 14/12.5/11/9.5/8 seconds
  • Damage threshold increased from 80/100/120/140/160 (+80% bonus AD ratio + 0.5% per mark + 5% of target's missing HP) to 80/110/140/170/200 (+100% bonus AD ratio + 0.5% per mark + 5% of target's missing HP)
League patch 14.17


(Q) Ice Shard

  • Damage increased from 80 - 200 to 80 - 220

(R) Frozen Tomb

  • Slow increased from 30/45/75% (depending on rank) to 45/60/75%


(Passive) Arcane Mastery

  • Overload base damage increased from 70/90/110/130/150 to 75/95/115/135/155

(R) Realm Warp

  • Cooldown reduced from 210/180/150 seconds to 180/160/140 seconds

Twisted Fate

(Q) Wild Card

  • Base damage increased from 60/100/140/180/220 to 60/105/150/195/240


(E) Hail of Arrows

  • Bonus AD ratio increased from 90% to 110%

LoL Patch 14.17: Champion Nerfs

LoL 14.17 patch notes

Please remember that these are just the early patch notes for League patch 14.17 and are only tentative. These stats and nerfs below are not yet set in stone until they are implemented on live servers on August 28, 2024.


  • Base HP reduced from 640 to 610


(R) Between Worlds

  • Damage reduced from 200/325/450 to 175/275/375


(Passive) Blaze

  • Explosion damage now capped at 250/325/400/475 (for levels 1/6/11/16) for large monsters


  • Base AD reduced from 62 to 60


(Passive) Voracity

  • AP ratio reduced from 70/80/90/100% to 60/70/80/90% (for levels 1/6/11/16)


(Q) Thundering Shuriken

  • AP ratio reduced from 85% to 75%


(Q) Sigil of Malic

  • AP ratio reduced from 45% to 40%

(W) Distortion

  • AP ratio reduced from 75% to 70%


(Passive) Dream-Laden Bough

  • DoT damage to non-epic monsters cap reduced from 70 - 150 to 70 - 100


  • Base armor reduced from 47 to 43
League of Legends 13.17 patch notes


(Passive) Junkyard Titan

  • Overheated target's maximum HP on-hit reduced from 6% to 5%


(Q) Piercing Darkness

  • Heal reduced from 40/60/80/100/120 (+40% base AD) (+80% AP) to 40/55/70/85/100 (+40% bonus AD) (+60% AP)

(R) Dawning Shadow

  • Shield AP ratio reduced from 70% to 50%


(W) Surround Sound

  • Base shield reduced from 60/85/110/135/160 to 60/80/100/120/140
  • Cooldown increased from 22/21/20/19/18 seconds to 22 seconds flat


(W) Kingslayer

  • AP ratio reduced from 70% to 60%

LoL Patch 14.17: Rune & Item Changes

League patch notes 14.17

The last patch saw changes to the Blade of the Ruined King and other items crucial for Bot Lane and Mid Lane. League patch 14.17 has nerfs in store for Warmog's Armor and Celestial Opposition, both popular picks for tankier melee supports like Leona and Rell in preparation for LoL Worlds.

While no Summoner Spells are affected in this patch, some popular runes are targeted in League of Legends patch 14.17. These include Absorb Life, Cut Down, and Fleet Footwork, with their self-healing being reduced significantly.


Celestial Opposition

  • Slow changed from 60% for 2 seconds to 50% for 1.5 seconds

Warmog's Armor

  • Warmog's Heart bonus movement speed decreased from 10% to 5%
  • Cost increased from 3,100 gold to 3,300 gold


Absorb Life

Heal on-kill changed per level:

  • Levels 1 - 5: Heal decreased from 1 - 5 to 1 - 2
  • Levels 6 - 10: Heal decreased from 6 - 11 to 3 - 7
  • Levels 11 - 18: Heal decreased from 12 - 23 to 9 - 23

Cut Down

  • Damage threshold increased from 50% HP to 60% HP

Fleet Footwork

  • Heal decreased from 5 - 120 to 5 - 100
  • Movement speed decreased from 20% for 1.25 seconds to 15% for 1 second

Final Thoughts

LoL patch note 14.17

That covers the League of Legends patch notes for 14.17, going live next week on Wednesday, August 28, 2024. Remember that this is just an early patch preview - more updates and changes could be revealed in the coming days, so bookmark this article to stay informed.

Hungry for some more LoL content? Our blog page has articles on all things League of Legends including, all champions' release datesdragon buffs, Your Shop, the Blue Essence EmporiumLoL Arena ranks, how to uninstall LoL, and finding out how much you've spent on LoL.

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